
ブルガリア空道連盟、ブルガリア支部長 ゴスポデイーン ババモフ


この大会は私たちにとってとてもいい試練になってきました。大会来客の中で政治家、地表行政の代表者などもいました。この来客は開会式の参加だけではなく、最後まで大会を拝見して出席しました。このイベントはできるかぎりに各メディアにも広報しました。 東先生は出席できなくてとても残念に思っております。駐ブルガリア日本大使も招待しましたが、残念ながら都合のため出席できませんでした。この大会はモスクワのワールドカップに向けてブルガリア、ウクライナ、セルビアの選手にとってもとても大事な調整になりました。今回の大会はブルガリアで主催した第3回目の国際大会でした。空道はブルガリアを始めとして、バルカン地域で広げて、他のスポーツと同様な立場になるように最大な努力します。この意味でスポーツ省で少年青年国際大会を行いたいという希望を既に話しました。もし国から支援されたら正式に公開して先生に承諾を受けるように提案したいと思います。 ご支援、ご支持ありがとうございます!






As we had informed you before, the Bulgarian Kudo Federation organised and held an International Kudo championship on 13th November 2010 in Stara Zagora. About 70 fighters took place in several divisions: teenage boys ( born 1996-1995 ), teenage boys ( born 1994- 1992 ), women and men ( all categories from -230 to 270+ ). The national teams of Ukrain ( 14 fighters ) and Serbia ( 10 fighters ) took place in the tournament. Two referee brigades were formed, consisting of referees from Bulgaria, Ukrain and Serbia ). They were at a very good level which helped the championship to be successful. As for the organisation - it was according to all requirements of KIF and the international sports calendar of our federation.
This championship was a successful test for us. We had some important guests - politicians and representatives of the local authorities. They were present not only during the opening ceremony but they stayed till the end of the tournament. We tried to advertise the event and Kudo as a whole in the media. If we want to get a licence from the country, we have to organise international championships.
We're really sorry that you could not attend the event. We invited His Majesty the Ambassador of Japan but unfortunately he couldn't come either because his mandate had just expired.
The championship was also a good check-up/test of the fighters from Bulgaria, Ukrain and Serbia before the World Cup in Moscow. It was also the 3rd international championship we have organised so far. We would like to do our best for populariseng Kudo here in this country and on the Balkans and make it equal to the other national sports. We have already mentioned in the Ministry of sports our wish for organising an international championship for teenagers and youths. In case the country supports this idea, we will announce it to you and KIF and ask for your approval and permission.
Thank you very much for your support!

Gospodin Babamov - President of BKF and Branch chief for Bulgaria

Copyright(C) KUDO ALL JAPAN FEDERETION DAIDOJUKU. all rights reserved.
